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A rehabilitation intervention is not the planning of a series of exercises or tasks that the children must do under the therapist’s guidance, but it is indeed, the search for a set of goals aimed at achieving the full children potential that disability has reduced.

That is to say, there is a good method for all children, but each method has to be adapted to each young patient needs. The key for this work is the ability of listening, reading and be comprehensive that a good therapist must have. It is a process that changes over time, able to be adaptable to the patient and his family changes. The logic of the approach I propose is that we take care of the child and do not care about his disabilities.

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For free by internet


Surgeries fee at:

  • AIAS Rehabilitation Centre, 19, Marziale St - Sorrento (Na).

For appointments:  

Dr.Albino Gargiulo, mobile 338.270.11.47

  • Rehabilitation Centre, Contrada Abruzzese, Melfi (Pz).

For appointments:  

Dr. Francesca Verrastro, mobile. 0972.64.21.11

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